
How To Increase The Size Of Thumbnail Of The Youtube Video

Desire more views on your YouTube videos? Create custom YouTube thumbnails. These offer an excellent opportunity to leave a solid, outset impression on potential viewers.

However, getting the basics such as the YouTube thumbnail size correct is uber-important.

So in this mail service, let'southward discuss the correct dimensions for YouTube thumbnails. We've besides got proven YouTube thumbnail design tips from the pros who manage YouTube channels over at Ahrefs, Podia, and VEED.

In the finish, you lot'll leave with actionable takeaways that y'all'd be excited to try for yourself.

What's the best YouTube thumbnail size?

Wondering how big is a YouTube thumbnail? Hither's your cheat sail:

YouTube Thumbnail Size Cheat Sheet
Image Resolution (Recommended Size) 1280 X 720 pixels
Prototype Resolution (Minimum) At to the lowest degree 640 pixels broad
Image Formats JPG, GIF, or PNG
Aspect Ratio 16:9
Max Thumbnail File Size Up to 2MB

Stick with the recommended dimensions for YouTube thumbnail and a high-quality moving-picture show.

The reason? Fifty-fifty though a thumbnail shows equally a small epitome in search, information technology's shown in full when suggested equally a adjacent-watch video or when you lot embed it on your site.

So if you've a smaller, poor-quality thumbnail, information technology'll mistiness or pixelate every bit YouTube expands it to the total video size. Information technology's why sticking with a larger epitome size is all-time.

Why are YouTube Thumbnails Important?

YouTube thumbnails are video cover images that entice viewers to watch a video by offering them an attention-grabbing await into what's covered.

Typically, after yous upload a video on YouTube, the platform recommends three stills from the video. You can either choose from them or tell a better, more than convincing story by creating a custom YouTube thumbnail.

A custom thumbnail on YouTube isn't a requirement. But it helps by:

  • Giving yous a better chance to gain your audience'south attending by sharing branded images that showcase what the video covers.
  • Giving you lot enough of branding opportunity so viewers gradually go familiar with your brand.

Most of all, yous can create a branded look for your channel — consequent with the rest of your marketing channels — by designing on-brand thumbnails for each video that y'all upload.

Hither's VEED's YouTube channel, for case:

If you lot're coming from our blog mail, for example, yous can instantly tell yous're in the same company. Consistent content experiences are cool afterward all 🙌

Still debating whether yous need custom YouTube thumbnails? Allow's wait at some impressively convincing numbers that this study concluded:

  • 72% of the most popular YouTube thumbnails include a face — getting an average of 921,000 more than views than thumbnails without faces.
  • 88% of the most pop thumbnails are colorful and get an average of 617,000 more views than less colorful thumbnails.

That's non all though.

Our report of 600+ YouTube videos that we curated from the trending section on the platform showed that the all-time YouTube thumbnails feature:

  • The shocked facial expression which is the most mutual visual cue in thumbnails.
  • The big fat pointer which is another common element among trending video thumbnails from various genres.
  • The before/afterward comparing design. Some other common design element that shows the side by side comparing that the video covers.

Notation that all iii of these winning elements draw in viewers by making them curious. Near of all, they make a potent instance for creating custom YouTube thumbnails.

How to Create YouTube Thumbnails

Whether you want to create a custom thumbnail or choose from the frames YouTube pulls upwardly for you, we've got you covered.

Let's wait at both the options individually.

How to Make a Custom YouTube Thumbnail

To start off, research the YouTube video idea you're creating content on.

The aim? Look for visual patterns that plough upward in the video engine's search result as yous type in the keyword.

Run across if there are certain colors that ranking video thumbnails feature, any visuals such as device mockup or social platform icon that prove up consistently.

In addition to the design and colour, wait at the text. Ask yourself: are there any thumbnail text similarities across the top video content?

Common design elements: a human face and a few words of text (average four words) on the center or left side of the thumbnail.

The idea here isn't to copy the top results. Instead, find the visual cues that are getting people to click and watch those videos.

As for ideas for designing custom YouTube thumbnails, in that location are a ton of options to explore.

Before y'all proceed though, you'll need two tools:

  • A DIY YouTube thumbnail creator — we've shared our top 3 recommendations below
  • Your visual make identity guidelines including notes on your brand personality. This mode, you can create on-betoken thumbnail images that reverberate your brand'southward personality.

I more thing: you tin can always create a YouTube thumbnail template to speed up thumbnail design.

Take it from ConvertKit, for case.


They've a thumbnail template with the aforementioned borders, text positioning, and shaded bluish color. The image in each template thumbnail is different though — showing the creator featured in the video.

This helps the channel non only create a uniform look, merely likewise helps them tell better stories with their personalized images in the template thumbnail.

Now for more ideas of thumbnails to endeavour — y'all've the post-obit options:

Text overlay with still prototype

This is pretty straightforward. Simply you can take an extra footstep and format the text by adding a background to it as Mailchimp does. This helps you stand out as most people but add text with a still image.


Logo with still images

Instead of text, you can also add your logo with an attention-grabbing paradigm from the video. See how Disney+ does this:


Brand mascot with text overlay

Have a prominent brand mascot? Add it to your YouTube thumbnail pattern as Trello does:


Blueprint avails with text overlay

Another idea is to use a plain background with a design asset and text overlay for clutter-free YouTube thumbnail design. Hootsuite does this best:


Patently design patterns with text overlay

If illustrations and graphic designs don't align with your visual branding, consider using pattern patterns every bit Miro does:


If you're a SaaS tool, you tin also show product screenshots for tutorial video thumbnails.

Text-based thumbnail pattern

Want to simplify your YouTube thumbnail design even further? Take a page from Its thumbnail images feature its logo, assuming text, and icons on a obviously groundwork.


Cropped out image with blueprint

And, finally, you tin remove your image's background and add it to a branded template. SproutSocial does this well:

Pro Tip: Take a bunch of selfies making different facial expressions — fifty-fifty using props. And then remove the background from those pictures and add them to your YouTube thumbnails. At VEED, for example, nosotros've a Google drive full of selfies from dissimilar team members that we add to our video thumbnails.

How to Pick a Thumbnail from Your Video Frames

Later on you upload your video, YouTube auto-generates system thumbnails or a set of 3 thumbnails that are stills from your video.

Equally you upload your video to YouTube Studio, you'll come across the 3 thumbnail options under your video.

If you're adding thumbnails to a previously uploaded video, get to the side console on the left and select Videos. Then choose your video. Side by side, select the thumbnail choice from under Thumbnail.

If you lot're using your phone, you lot can practise the same past opening your YouTube Studio app. Then choose the video you lot want to edit and click the three dots to open the menu and select edit video. after that and select the video you want to edit. Tap the image icon in the upper left-paw corner. Y'all can now cull from the available thumbnails.

3 Best Tools to Create YouTube Thumbnails

Now for the YouTube thumbnail maker recommendations we promised:

one. Canva

Best for: Marketers looking for an piece of cake to apply DIY YouTube thumbnail maker.

Canva lets you both design thumbnails from scratch and offers over 1,000 professionally designed YouTube thumbnail templates.

Thanks to its user-friendly, drag and driblet interface, taking either approach is piece of cake. The filters bachelor also make it super simple to search for templates past:

  • Style (minimalist, uncomplicated, mod, elegant, etc.)
  • Theme (tutorial, business, food etc.) and
  • Price (pro and gratis)

Working with your team? Collaborate on the design in Canva for free.


  • Free (sign-in required)
  • Pro $12.99 per calendar month (for 1-5 people)
  • Enterprise: $30 per month per fellow member
Pros Cons
User-friendly even for beginners. No local file storage then if the website is down for any reason, you'll accept to wait to admission your thumbnails.
Lots of templates with filters for each search. Chance of repetition in design since a lot of folks employ Canva templates.
Team collaboration in real-time is a complimentary characteristic. Several cardinal features such as the image resize tool and background remover feature are premium. Lots of templates and design assets (stickers and icons, for example) aren't free.

two. Adobe Creative Cloud Express (formally Adobe Spark)

Best for: People familiar with or using the Adobe family software.

Every bit with Canva, you lot can use Adobe Artistic Cloud Limited to create YouTube thumbnails from the bare canvas or employ templates.

Adobe besides offers royalty-gratis photos from the Adobe Stock collection. These are, however, express in number in the freemium version. Speaking of which, yous can avail all basic editing features in the free model including removing a pic's groundwork.

The team collaboration characteristic isn't complimentary though. There'southward a mobile app available too, letting you design thumbnails on the go.

That said, folks familiar with using the Adobe ecosystem will be the most comfortable using this tool. If you're among them, at that place's some other upside for yous too: y'all can admission other Adobe tools from the suite. For example, edit an image in Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop, and then include it in your YT thumbnail design using Creative Cloud Express.


  • Costless
  • $9.99 per month with gratuitous 30-twenty-four hours trial available
Pros Cons
Helps you streamline video production in i family of tools. Steep learning curve for those unfamiliar with the Adobe interface, which can experience confusing.
Free customizable video thumbnail templates available. Limited templates equally compared to Canva.
Web-based editor with cloud storage Designs created from the costless version are watermarked. This negatively impacts your branding.

3. PlaceIt by Envato

Best for: Marketers looking for a refined template marketplace to DIY YouTube thumbnail pattern.

Creating YouTube thumbnails with PlaceIt is as easy as customizing a template online and downloading information technology.

Since PlaceIt is a subscription service though, y'all can't download your design for use without first paying for the subscription that offers unlimited downloads.

Each blueprint download costs $2.95, which isn't scalable if you're making YouTube thumbnail designs regularly. In that case, it makes sense to pay for the subscription.

If you're working on a one-off blueprint though, $2.95 is an affordable option than hiring a dedicated designer to brand information technology.


  • $14.95 per month or $89.69 per year
Pros Cons
Ready to customize templates available. Bare sail is still in beta.
Has some of the all-time, professional person-designed templates that are created keeping in heed platform-specific best practices.

In dissimilarity, Canva offering lots of cute and aesthetically pleasing templates but under the discerning lens of a marketer who understands design, their designs are not well thought out.
Limited YT thumbnail templates compared to the previous two tools.
DIY anything and sell information technology too.

How to Upload a YouTube Thumbnail

Y'all can add together from both your desktop or mobile device. Hither'due south how.

How to Upload a Custom Thumbnail on Desktop

Heads-up: You can only add together a custom thumbnail if yous've a verified YouTube account.

On to the steps now:

1. Sign in to your YouTube Studio account

2. From the menu on the left, choose Videos

3. Select a video from your gallery by clicking on it

4. Under thumbnail, select the Upload Thumbnail choice and upload your image

5. Click Save from the top right corner

How to Upload a YouTube Thumbnail on Mobile

Working from your mobile device? Follow these steps:

one. Head to your YouTube Studio app

two. Click on the menu bar from acme left and select Videos from here

3. Select the video y'all want to edit

4. Click Edit (pen icon) and then choose Edit thumbnail

five. Click on Custom thumbnail and upload your thumbnail from your device

half-dozen. Confirm your choice and striking Select and so Relieve

YouTube Thumbnail Best Practices from 3 Experts

Ready for proven tips for creating clicks-generating thumbnails from the folks who are down in the trenches? Let's get.

one. Reverse engineer what viewers are looking for in a video

The idea is simple: identify what viewers are looking for in a video, and then capture it in your YouTube thumbnail.

The thing is: "There are a lot of means to get someone'south attention," Ben Toalson who runs Podia's YouTube aqueduct points out.

"Our optics are naturally drawn to bright, contrasting colors, beautiful images, emotive faces, bold text, etc. But a viewer will merely click if they're convinced a video volition most likely satisfy what they are looking for at that moment, like the reply to a question, or a laugh, or inspiration."

Your job and so is to "reverse-engineer what a viewer is looking [so you can tell what] would atomic number 82 them to your content. Then, make your thumbnail all about that."

So how do you go about identifying what viewers are looking for in a video? Two ways...

#one report ranking videos
That is: "look for what the competition is doing," advises Alec Wilcock, VEED's Video Team Lead. "This helps because first of all you can see what your 'competition' is doing and, second, information technology's a great way to detect inspiration."

You lot can also tell what possible elements in the YouTube thumbnails are getting them to rank for the target keyword.

#ii call up like your audience
Sam Oh who manages Ahref's YouTube aqueduct and video marketing shares you ask yourself the following questions to guide your thinking:

  • "Who wants to watch this video?
  • What would make you lot insta-click on that video?
  • Do you have similar videos on your aqueduct that have produced high CTRs?
  • Can I apply whatever principles from those videos to the video I'm near to publish?"

ii. Clearly communicate expectations with your thumbnail

The best YouTube thumbnails are ones that meet expectations — signaling viewers the video is packed with exactly what they're looking for.

In Sam's words: "If the expectations you lot set resonate with your target audition, and then you have yourself a click."

So how practice you lot gear up expectations with your YouTube video thumbnail? You look at the type of video you're creating and what the audience expects from it (this goes back to the indicate to a higher place).

"For example, with how-tos, you can prove the terminate issue. This communicates that 'you can achieve [this] if you scout my video.' For entertainment videos, your thumbnail tin can communicate, 'you're about to see [this] crazy thing.'"

VEED's Alec also talks about this. "People should exist able to sympathise your video'due south goal just from the thumbnail."

For this: "lean on calculation proven, expectations-setting pattern elements in your video thumbnail. "In that location are elements that help your video'south thumbnail stand up out such every bit a big carmine arrow, a big face up on the video, bright colors, etc," explains Alec.

The cardinal hither, yet, is to "know how to utilize the elements together to create a clear bulletin and strip abroad anything from the thumbnail that doesn't need to be at that place."

3. Make sure the video thumbnail and championship complement each other

Going deeper into communicating expectations clearly, Sam says, "The thumbnail is commonly what catches someone's attending and the title will be a confirming factor whether they desire to watch the video or not."

It's why "you want to brand your thumbnail unproblematic, piece of cake to digest and [ane that] complements your title."

Explaining this using an example video from their vault, Sam shares their video on How to Speed Up Your WordPress Website. "Our clickthrough rate in the first 24 hours for this video was ~77% higher than a 'typical' video on our aqueduct."

So what worked with the thumbnail design? "The thumbnail is elementary in the sense that it's a before and subsequently moving picture of a slow person and a person who moves at the speed of light."

The point that's worth noting, still, is that "the 'speed graphs' bring instant recognition to the topic of website speed [that is, it clearly communicates the key point], so it complements our championship," in Sam's words.

4. Make sure all the important elements on the thumbnail are easy to read

Another key tip is to ensure your thumbnail design is readable. "An often-overlooked step in designing a thumbnail is previewing how it will actually look in the YouTube feed," Ben notes.

"Thumbnails are presented at diverse sizes throughout the platform and are overlaid with the video length and sometimes other information depending on where they announced," explains Ben.

So "you want to make sure the of import elements of the video are like shooting fish in a barrel to make out at whatever size."

5. Go on testing

"Because there is so much that goes into a single thumbnail, it's hard to know exactly what makes it piece of work and what doesn't," admits Alec.

It's why he recommends yous "constantly exist trying, improving, adjusting, and adapting."

Podia'southward Ben agrees. "Don't exist afraid to A/B exam your thumbnails. You can use a tool like TubeBuddy that will practice it automatically for y'all. You can fifty-fifty share a few variations with your audience on another platform and ask them which they'd be more likely to click on."

"Ultimately, the best strategy is to pay attention to what your YouTube audience responds to by testing out different thumbnail designs and identifying patterns over time," Ben observes.

So remember: "It'southward all about trial and error. Only because your current thumbnails are working better than your previous ones, doesn't hateful they couldn't exist even amend," in Alec's words.

In brusque, here's your YouTube thumbnail design checklist from the pros:

✅ Opposite engineer what a viewer is looking for in a video

✅ Clearly communicate expectations with your YouTube thumbnail

✅ Make sure your overall bulletin with the thumbnail is clear

✅ Ensure your thumbnail complements the video'due south title

✅ Make all the important elements in the thumbnail easy to read

✅ A/B test to empathise what makes winning YouTube thumbnails

YouTube Thumbnail Pattern: Elevation 3 Mistakes to Avoid

No blueprint advice is complete without a listing of mistakes to keep away from. So we prodded the experts we talked to about the mistakes they fabricated and the subsequent lessons they learned.

Here'southward what they shared — plus what to do instead:

  1. Don't add the video title in the thumbnail

"I used to think you needed to put your bodily video title in the thumbnail if you wanted to rank well," confesses Ben.

Over time, nevertheless, Ben shares he'due south learned a primal lesson "when it comes to thumbnails, less is more."

"People value simplicity when it comes to making quick decisions," he explains. "Using fewer words and/or using clear imagery takes the friction abroad from your viewers decision of whether or non to click on your video."

Then instead of adding a 7-9-word title, Ben has learned that 3 or 4 words in the thumbnail perform better.

✅ Less is more. Meaning: fewer words and clear imagery with no overdo of pattern elements.

2. You don't need crazy expressions for every other video thumbnail

"I tried to create thumbnails with crazy expressions without purpose or relevance to the topic," Sam admits.

"Since everyone else had these 😲-like thumbnails, I idea it might 'capture' the audition'south attention. I was wrong."

To avoid this kind of mistake, Sam says it'southward important you lot look at what the video is about.

"For case, if your topic is 'how to tie a tie,' and you're doing this (😱), what exactly is so crazy that's worth screaming almost? Nothing. A person who would click on this video wants to acquire – not scream in shock."

✅ Make sure your YouTube thumbnails are relevant to the video content you're sharing.

3. You tin't stick with one thumbnail strategy for all your videos

"A fault I've fabricated in the past is thinking that every thumbnail strategy tin be used on every video," shares Alec.

"For case, a popular strategy to get viewers to click on your video is to create a curiosity gap within the thumbnail. All the same, when making a tutorial focused on a 'how to' keyword, we've found that showing a clear message within the thumbnails works better."

✅ There'southward no 1-size-fits-all YouTube video thumbnail blueprint strategy. So review your video before you work on the thumbnail.

Bonus: Other YouTube Thumbnail Design Don'ts

And finally, go on in mind that YouTube warns your custom thumbnails will be rejected if any of these elements are present in them:

  • Violence
  • Hate Speech
  • Harmful or dangerous content
  • Nudity or sexually provocative content

When designing thumbnails, you lot'll too want to think in terms of your YouTube channel's overall await. This means your thumbnails shouldn't clash with one some other. Instead, use them to create a uniform await for the channel.

It's also important your custom thumbnails don't use YouTube's theme colors — cerise, black, and white to prevent your videos from blending in with the platform's colors.

To epitomize, a custom YouTube thumbnail is a nifty way to increment your video views.

Exist sure to stick with the correct YouTube thumbnail size and stay on brand when designing thumbnail images though. And don't forget to identify what works by reviewing thumbnails of videos ranking on the topic.

Oasis't recorded your YouTube video yet? Here are 105 YouTube video ideas to inspire you.


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